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John Edward Jones Law Office practices



Car Accidents

Have you or someone you know been in an auto accident? It is never too soon to get a free evaluation and help. Driving is as much a part of most people's lives as eating and sleeping. With so much time on the road, car accidents seem inevitable. But while some crashes prove minor, many result in serious injuries to property or persons. In many cases, an auto accident is the result of driver distraction, carelessness or recklessness. From cell phones to speeding to substance abuse, certain behaviors put people at risk. Most auto accidents involve law suits against insurance companies. However, we explore every avenue of liability coverage and have handled cases against the owner of the vehicle, automobile manufacturer or part supplier, leasing company, rental car company, automobile repair shop, corporation which owns vehicle involved in the accident, municipality and property owner of the location where the accident occurred or owners of real estate in the immediate vicinity. In order to receive the compensation you deserve if you have been injured in a car accident, our firm can assist you with getting the needed medical care, as well as get the personal settlement you need. Please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form to immediately talk to an attorney about your auto accident. Go to Page >>>


Birth Injury

A birth injury is defined as any type of damage to an infant's body before, during or just after birth. Birth defects can cause death, or mental and physical impairment. Birth defects can be caused by a mother's exposure to chemicals, disease and environmental toxins while the baby is developing (in the womb). During labor and delivery, medical complications can result in birth injuries. Doctors and health care professionals must exercise the utmost care to avoid injury to babies during the vulnerable times of labor induction, cesarean section and mechanically assisted birth. If your child has suffered a birth defect, a mild or traumatic birth injury or if you have lost an infant due to medical error or negligence, please call our office or fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Brain Injury

Brain injuries can occur during numerous types of accidents, including  auto accidents, product liability, sports injuries, wounds to the head, physical violence and when the flow of oxygen is disrupted while traveling to the brain. Health conditions such as infectious diseases, heart attacks, drug abuse, and more can also cause brain injury. In the event of a traumatic brain injury not caused by health conditions, such as accidents, medical and legal assistance may be needed. If you or your loved one has suffered a brain injury due to the mistreatment or accident of another person, medical and legal assistance is very important. Please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Bus, Train and Plane Accidents

You have rights while riding in any form of transportation. If you have been injured while riding or driving in a bus, train or another form of transportation, call our office. Many residents of Florida rely on the transportation system to get them around the city and to work. The lives of riders are often in the hands of bus drivers, train operators and pilots. Conductors of the transit systems should be held liable for even the smallest amount of negligence. They hold a large responsibility to Florida and travelers. The drivers of buses and trains must abide by laws meant for safety, including laws prohibiting speeding and disobeying basic traffic laws. In addition, the companies that maintain public transportation vehicles, like buses, are liable for the safety of their vehicles. Railroad companies are to maintain the safety of the passengers. They are responsible for ensuring that their trains and tracks are not substandard, as well as ensuring that railroad platforms are safe for people boarding the train so that slip and fall accidents do not occur. Aviation law deals with plane accidents, which may be caused by pilot error, plane malfunction or security breach. Airlines are also responsible for ensuring the personal safety of their customers. Likewise, manufacturers are liable to damages caused by the airplanes or parts that they make. Please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW if you or someone you love has been injured while riding a bus, train or plane.


Construction Accidents

If you have been injured at a construction site, give us a call. Construction sites pose many dangers to workers and others in the surrounding area. Common construction accidents include roof related falls, crane accidents, scaffolding accidents, run-over by operating equipment, lifting equipment failure, electric shock, trench collapses, fires and explosions, hit by highway vehicle, compressed gasses accidents and welding accidents. Proper protocol and safety practices can decrease a worker or passerby's risk of being injured. It is also the duty of the contractors to ensure that warnings are issued in hazardous areas. When someone causes a preventable construction accident through negligence, he or she may be liable for the victim's injuries. If you or a family member has been injured at or near a construction site, please give us a call or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Defective Products

Have you been injured due to a product breaking or not properly working? Faulty products harm millions of people every year. If you have been injured by a defective product, preserving it is crucial to recovering damages. These products may include: defective toys, medical devices, industrial machinery, automobile design, SUV rollover, medical devices, gas tank explosions, improperly designed consumer and household products, industrial machinery and equipment, farm machinery, aviation products, products causing explosions and burns and car seat belts.  Remember, if you have been injured by a product, make every effort to save it even it has been damaged. Product liability involves the liability of a seller of any product which, because of a defect, causes personal injury to the purchaser, user or occasionally, bystanders. In product liability cases, the defendant or seller can be the manufacturer, distributor, retail store, or trade association. In the course of our daily lives, we use a number of products. When used as directed, we rightly assume that the products we use are safe and reliable.  If you are one of these people who have been injured from a faulty product, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Dog Bite & Animal Injury

When a dog causes harm, you could have a case. In Florida, a dog owner is strictly liable for dog bites and injuries caused by the animal. Strict liability is the absolute legal responsibility for an injury that can be imposed on the wrong doer without proof of carelessness or fault. Under other circumstances, an owners negligence will make them responsible for injuries and property damage caused by his or her dog. If you or your family member has been seriously bitten by a dog and would like to know more about your legal rights, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Hospital Negligence

Hospitals can be liable for the negligence of their employees, including staff nurses and technicians. According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, medical errors are responsible for at least 44,000 deaths each year in the United States and possibly as many as 98,000 each year. According to the report, medical mistakes occur not only in hospitals but in day surgery and outpatient clinics, retail pharmacies, nursing homes, and home care. If you have been seriously injured at a Florida hospital or clinic and would like to know your legal rights, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Lasek Eye Surgery

Up to 5% of patients experience some sort of complication from Lasek Eye Surgery. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission is now cautioning the unknown long term affects of Lasek Eye Surgery. Laser eye surgery is being touted in advertisements as a quick, virtually risk-free procedure that can end patients' need for glasses. However, with more than 1 million patients expected to undergo this risky procedure this year, thousands are learning that this surgery can unfortunately cause life-altering complications that sometimes can't be fixed. Some of these problems may include double or triple vision, light distortions and eye dryness. If you or a loved one has had Lasek Eye Surgery and is now dealing with complications mentioned above, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Machine Accidents

Have you been injured by a machine on the job or while at home? Contact our office to determine if you have a personal injury claim. Equipment malfunction is a common cause of machine accidents. The advantage machinery offers in terms of quantity, quality and productivity have made machines' important in almost every industry. Unfortunately, along with their benefits, machines have power to cause serious injuries, which could result in a product liability case.  In such cases, the machine manufacturer is often held accountable for product liability. Failure to adhere to safety standards or to wear protective equipment can also contribute to machine accidents, as can improper training, poor work conditions and other factors. If you or a loved one has been injured by a machine on the job or otherwise and is looking for an experienced attorney to meet your legal needs, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is the result of a health care provider's failure to provide the expected standard of care. When a physician is determined to be negligent, it means that he or she has failed to use the same degree of skill and learning, under the same or similar circumstances, that are used by other members of the medical profession. Some of the more common malpractice instances are when the physician fails to timely diagnose and order appropriate treatment, does not order necessary tests and proper medication, fails to consult with specialist and improper surgical procedures. Medical malpractice claims are one of the most difficult areas of litigation, and as such it is important to obtain an attorney as soon as the malpractice occurs or is discovered. If you feel you have been a victim of medical malpractice, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form. Go to Page >>>



Sometimes when a person is diagnosed with cancer, but no earlier tests show these abnormalities, you could be the victim of medical negligence. Often times a laboratory that analyzes the specimen will act negligently and fail to diagnose an abnormality that exists. This negligence in the screening process can cause great harm and even eventual death. One needs to consider carefully the magnitude of delay involved in a given claim. In general, delays of weeks to a few months will not be of significant consequence, however, in some aggressive cancers, this time may materially change the person's life expectancy. If you believe that you have had a significant misdiagnosis, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Motorcycle Accidents

Have you or someone you love been in a motorcycle accident? Call us now so we can walk you through the messy process of protecting and preserving your rights. Motorcycle riders are extremely vulnerable to injury during accidents, especially when an automobile or truck is also involved. Speeding, alcohol or drug use as well as disobeying traffic laws on the part of the driver(s) of the vehicles nearby greatly increases the likelihood of a serious accident. In most cases, these accidents involve another vehicle, in others, they involve stationary objects. Victims are often left with serious injuries or permanent disabilities; some do not survive. For the victims and their families, high medical bills causing additional suffering, often compound emotional strain. In the unfortunate case of motorcycle accidents, it is imperative to seek legal expertise to assist you. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, and would like to talk with an attorney, please contact our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Negligent Security

If you have been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a facility who should of had security, call our office and we will help you determine whether there is a case. A negligent security accident can result in battery, sexual assault, robbery or other crimes committed by a criminal perpetrator taking advantage of the insufficient security upon the premises. We have handled negligent security accidents that occurred at a hotel, shopping center, nightclub, subdivision and office. In many of those circumstances the land owner is negligent and could be found at fault for not preventing foreseeable injuries. If you believe you have been injured because of negligent security, please contact our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Nursing Home Abuse

Has your loved one been injured or received improper care while in a nursing home facility?  We offer free consultations in your home, at the nursing home, hospital or in our offices. Our elderly or handicap deserve the best love, care and support while under the care of a nursing home. Nursing home abuse or neglect occurs as a result of the careless, reckless or negligent behavior of nursing home employees, patients and even visitors. Our law firm has represented and assisted numerous injured nursing home residents or their immediate family members, in bringing lawsuits against home and assisted living facilities. A majority of these nursing home residents, to their detriment, relied on nursing home employees to provide them with personal needs such as food, water, medicine, bathroom assistance, daily hygiene care and social activities. If you or a family member has been injured in a nursing home or an assisted living facility and would like to know your legal rights, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form. Go to Page >>>


Personal Injury

Personal injury victims are injured through the fault of another person or group. Personal injury encompasses a broad range of cases, from fall down injuries to automobile accidents. Any case in which one person is hurt by another's negligence or wrongful action (or inaction) may be considered personal injury. The law assumes that people have a duty towards one another that involves acting according to a certain standard of behavior. The standard is based on what a 'reasonable' individual would do in a similar situation. Negligence is defined as a violation of this standard. Examples of negligent behavior include: a person driving while texting, a property owner failing to fix known hazards and a physician failing to give a patient necessary or reasonable treatment. Most personal injuries include physical, emotional and financial hardships. If you or a family member has been the victim of personal injury action, or one of the actions listed below, please call our firm or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW so that we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

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Pharmaceutical Drug Injury

Injured through the use of a pharmaceutical drug? Each year, thousands experience complications associated with over-the-counter medications and supplements. Drug manufacturers who fail to design, manufacture, inspect and label pharmaceuticals appropriately may be held liable. A pharmaceutical manufacturer may also be liable for a patient's injuries when they have failed to warn of a drug's potential side effects or dangers. Medical doctors, nurses, dentists, osteopaths and health care facilities can be found liable for deviating from the acceptable standard of patient care. Malpractice can even exist if there is proof that a healthcare provider placed their personal interest or that of the pharmaceutical industry above the patient's interests. There are many dangerous drugs, but the following represent some of the more controversial drugs: Accutane, Actos, Darvon, Depakote, Fixodent/Poligrip, Fosamax, Humira, Levaquin, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Topamax/Topiramate, Wellbutrin, Yaz/Yazmine/Ocella and Zocor. Some herbal and dietary supplements can also be harmful to ones body. If you have been injured by a defective drug or supplement, save the product, parts and instructions that come with it, including the box it came in. Also, if you need someone to explain your legal rights and get you the settlement you deserve, please call our office or fill our a FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Premise Liability

If you have been hurt on someone else's property they may be responsible for your injuries. Premise liability is a vague term that describes many types of events, including structural design flaws, unsafe conditions, environmental hazards, slip and falls, negligent security and a wide arrange of other issues not related to those mentioned above. Sometimes, when it is a security related issue, neighborhood crime statistics, event history and specific risk considerations play a part in determining whether an adverse event was foreseeable. In other situations, conditions which are known by the property owner to be unsafe can cause him to be liable for your damages. If you or a loved one has been injured by a property's foreseeable circumstances, you may have a case and should contact our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form. Go to Page >>>


Slip and Fall

Falling on another’s property or in a department store can be both embarrassing and cause serious injury. If you believe the fall you experienced was partly or completely the fault of another, call us. Property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe and for warning visitors of any potential hazards. Falls can be scary and can lead to serious injuries. The term "slip and fall" describes the type of injury that occurs on someone else's property, usually as a result of a defective surface, a slippery substance, or other dangerous conditions. For example, if a supermarket owner mops the floor and does not mark the area to warn consumers, he or she may be legally liable for a fall down injury occurring in that location. Even if the property owner was unaware of the danger at the time the personal injury occurred, the other might be responsible if he or she should have known about it. It is important to seek a personal injury attorney with experience in slip and fall accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a personal injury accident involving a fall, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Swimming Pool Accidents

Have you or a loved one been injured near or in a pool? Call our office and let us help you determine if all was done to keep your loved one safe. Unfortunately, Florida leads the nation in swimming pool related injuries and deaths. Most swimming pool injuries occur because of improperly designed and constructed pools, failure to properly secure a pool from small children, failure to maintain the swimming pool in good condition, and improper supervision. Our firm represents families and individuals that have suffered a loss because of drowning deaths or injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured because of a hazardous pool condition, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW and allow our office to respond to your legal needs.


Workers Compensation

If you have been injured while at work or due to a work-related illness, you have rights that need to be protected and should talk to an attorney about those rights. Workers Compensation allows you to receive certain benefits and helps pay for medical treatment. It can even pay a portion of your lost wages. Many of the things you are due and your employer is required to provide can happen as early as seven days after your injury. Call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.


Wrongful Death

Have you lost a loved one in a recent personal injury matter? Call us so we can guide you through this painful and complicated process. Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when it is the fault of others. Wrongful death lawsuits are normally pursued by the deceased victim's family. Generally, immediate family members of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim, meaning that in most cases, the parents, spouse or the children of the wrongful death victim can sue. In order to bring a wrongful death action, a death must have been caused by a defective product, medical malpractice, pharmaceutical drug defects, the negligent or reckless act of a person, or a number of other situations. Family members of the victim seek legal assistance to receive the compensation their loved ones are entitled. If damages are awarded, they will cover the financial costs for the present and the future, as well as emotional costs. Understanding the laws that surround wrongful death cases can be complex. If you feel you have the basis for a wrongful death suit, call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.

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Brain Injury
Bus, Train Plane
Construction Accidents
Defective Products
Dog Bite
Hospital Negligence
Lasik Eye Surgery
Machine Accidents
Medical Malpactice
Motorcycle Accidents
Negligent Security
Nursing Home Abuse
Personal Injury
Pharmaceutical Drug
Premise Liability
Slip and Fall
Swimming Pool
Worker's comp
wrongful death
Auto Accident
Birth Injury
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