We offer free consultations in your home, at the hospital or in our offices. Medical malpractice is the result of a health care provider's failure to provide the expected standard of care. When a physician is determined to be negligent, it means that he or she has failed to use the same degree of skill and learning, under the same or similar circumstances, that are used by other members of the medical profession. Some of the more common malpractice instances are when the physician fails to timely diagnose and order appropriate treatment, does not order necessary tests and proper medication, fails to consult with specialist and improper surgical procedures. Medical malpractice claims are one of the most difficult areas of litigation, and as such it is important to obtain an attorney as soon as the malpractice occurs or is discovered. If you feel you have been a victim of medical malpractice, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Wrongful Death
Have you lost a loved one in a medical malpractice matter? Call us so we can guide you through this painful and complicated process. Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when it is the fault of others. Wrongful death lawsuits are normally pursued by the deceased victim's family. Generally, immediate family members of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim, meaning that in most cases, the parents, spouse or the children of the wrongful death victim can sue. In order to bring a wrongful death action, a death must have been caused by a defective product, medical malpractice, pharmaceutical drug defects, the negligent or reckless act of a person, or a number of other situations. Family members of the victim seek legal assistance to receive the compensation their loved ones are entitled. If damages are awarded, they will cover the financial costs for the present and the future, as well as emotional costs. Understanding the laws that surround wrongful death cases can be complex. If you feel you have the basis for a wrongful death suit, call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Hospital Negligence
Hospitals can be liable for the negligence of their employees, including staff nurses and technicians. According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, medical errors are responsible for at least 44,000 deaths each year in the United States and possibly as many as 98,000 each year. According to the report, medical mistakes occur not only in hospitals but in day surgery and outpatient clinics, retail pharmacies, nursing homes, and home care. If you have been seriously injured at a Florida hospital or clinic and would like to know your legal rights, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Lasek Eye Surgery
Up to 5% of patients experience some sort of complication from Lasek Eye Surgery. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission is now cautioning the unknown long term affects of Lasek Eye Surgery. Laser eye surgery is being touted in advertisements as a quick, virtually risk-free procedure that can end patients' need for glasses. However, with more than 1 million patients expected to undergo this risky procedure this year, thousands are learning that this surgery can unfortunately cause life-altering complications that sometimes can't be fixed. Some of these problems may include double or triple vision, light distortions and eye dryness. If you or a loved one has had Lasek Eye Surgery and is now dealing with complications mentioned above, please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Brain Injury
Brain injuries can occur during numerous types of accidents, including auto accidents, product liability, sports injuries, wounds to the head, physical violence and when the flow of oxygen is disrupted while traveling to the brain. Health conditions such as infectious diseases, heart attacks, drug abuse, and more can also cause brain injury. In the event of a traumatic brain injury not caused by health conditions, such as accidents, medical and legal assistance may be needed. If you or your loved one has suffered a brain injury due to the mistreatment or accident of another person, medical and legal assistance is very important. Please call our office or fill out our FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Birth Injury
A birth injury is defined as any type of damage to an infant's body before, during or just after birth. Birth defects can cause death, or mental and physical impairment. Birth defects can be caused by a mother's exposure to chemicals, disease and environmental toxins while the baby is developing (in the womb). During labor and delivery, medical complications can result in birth injuries. Doctors and health care professionals must exercise the utmost care to avoid injury to babies during the vulnerable times of labor induction, cesarean section and mechanically assisted birth. If your child has suffered a birth defect, a mild or traumatic birth injury or if you have lost an infant due to medical error or negligence, please call our office or fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Pharmaceutical Drug Injury
Injured through the use of a pharmaceutical drug? Each year, thousands experience complications associated with over-the-counter medications and supplements. Drug manufacturers who fail to design, manufacture, inspect and label pharmaceuticals appropriately may be held liable. A pharmaceutical manufacturer may also be liable for a patient's injuries when they have failed to warn of a drug's potential side effects or dangers. Medical doctors, nurses, dentists, osteopaths and health care facilities can be found liable for deviating from the acceptable standard of patient care. Malpractice can even exist if there is proof that a healthcare provider placed their personal interest or that of the pharmaceutical industry above the patient's interests. There are many dangerous drugs, but the following represent some of the more controversial drugs: Accutane, Actos, Darvon, Depakote, Fixodent/Poligrip, Fosamax, Humira, Levaquin, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Topamax/Topiramate, Wellbutrin, Yaz/Yazmine/Ocella and Zocor. Some herbal and dietary supplements can also be harmful to ones body. If you have been injured by a defective drug or supplement, save the product, parts and instructions that come with it, including the box it came in. Also, if you need someone to explain your legal rights and get you the settlement you deserve, please call our office or fill our a FREE CASE REVIEW form.
Sometimes when a person is diagnosed with cancer, but no earlier tests show these abnormalities, you could be the victim of medical negligence. Often times a laboratory that analyzes the specimen will act negligently and fail to diagnose an abnormality that exists. This negligence in the screening process can cause great harm and even eventual death. One needs to consider carefully the magnitude of delay involved in a given claim. In general, delays of weeks to a few months will not be of significant consequence, however, in some aggressive cancers, this time may materially change the person's life expectancy. If you believe that you have had a significant misdiagnosis, please call our office or fill out a FREE CASE REVIEW form.